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TSC Aesthetics team

Painless Laser Hair Removal

Painless Laser Hair Removal with MotusAZ+

Why Laser Hair Removal?

  • Permanent (or nearly permanent) and PAINLESS removal of unwanted hair… face, body, limbs, bikini area!  No more shaving, waxing, plucking, and depilatory creams!
  • Motus AZ+ laser hair removal solves all the resultant issues from all that grooming:  say goodbye to ingrown hairs, nicks, soreness, plus the related expenses of weekly or biweekly waxing
  • Experience the Sapphire difference with Cartessa’s Skinclusive promise:  “support providers with the tools to treat all skin types safely and effectively”
  • Side effects may include healthier, younger-looking skin as well as that satiny smooth skin you’ve been hiding under traditional hair-removal methods; increased self-confidence; and less time &/or money spent on your daily toilette routine

Does it really work?

Not only does it work… It’s PAINLESS!  Most treatment areas will have virtually no visible hair in six treatments or less, although there may be some exceptions and your technician may recommend alternative laser therapies for particularly coarse or dense ‘problem areas’ after or during the course of your package series.

What should I know about my laser hair removal appointment?

The morning of your scheduled appointment it would be best to eschew the use of any lotions, moisturizers, &/or makeup if possible.  Make sure you’re hydrated and avoid over-exposure to the sun in the weeks leading up to your appointment!

Virtue RF Microneedling Treatments

Virtue RF Microneedling

Why Microneedling?

  • Your body is meant to heal itself!  Give skin a boost by introducing ultra-fine needles into the dermis to stimulate that healing and get that natural collagen boost with a treatment that truly does it all!!!
  • With Virtue RF technology, microneedling’s efficacy hits its peak:  harnessing your body’s natural healing tendencies stamping ultra-fine pinpricks at adjusted depths based on your body… your skin… your face
  • Short term results include plumper, pinker, luminous skin for up to two weeks.  And it only gets better from there!  Long-term treatments spaced 1 month apart reduce the appearance of scars, sun damage, stretch marks, dark spots, and more for an beauty treatment that truly does turn back time!

What makes Virtue RF Microneedling different?

Could you microneedle at home?  Of course.  But a professional aesthetics service includes the peace of mind of having your treatment in a clinical, sterile environment that virtually eliminates the risk of infection while delivering far superior results to those from hand-held dermarolling devices alone.  For results that are both near-instant and cumulative this action must be combined with radiofrequency to heat the dermis.  Young skin prone to breakouts with those dark spots left behind?  Mature skin with crepe-like texture?  Sagging skin following weightloss or lost elasticity?  Virtue RF Microneedling offers the solution to all of these in a safe, relaxing, professional environment!  Combine those results in the series of three offered and see long-lasting differences!

What should I know about my microneedling appointment?

Your microneedling experience will last about two hours from the time you check in through the in-clinic after-care.  Before & after you need to let your skin rest!  No facials, chemical peels, laser services, etc for two weeks before or after your scheduled appointment!  The night of your appointemnt avoid makeup, don’t wash the skin, no sun/gym/high heat, etc.  Your post-treatment mask will be applied in the office and will offer immediate soothing.  We’ll even send you home with serum to apply a few hours after treatment… then you can resume your regular beauty regimen the day after!

MoveoGlo Facial

MoveoGlo Facial

That famous MoveoGlo…

  • No Downtime!  Return to work, school, and your everyday life immediately!!!
  • Your treatment experience includes a complete consultation by certified technicians to discuss your specific needs and skincare goals.
  • 360-degree application with radio-frequency and ultrasound energy will address and treat vascular lesions, stimulate collagen production, lessen the appearance of pigmented lesions, even skin’s tone and texture & more
  • Long lasting results you can see immediately!  Schedule your Red Carpet Facial in the week before your special event and turn heads at proms, weddings, reunions, anniversaries, and more!
  • Cumulative results:  most patients see peak results from three successive treatments scheduled approximately one month apart to tighten and tone for younger-looking, resurfaced skin

What makes the MoveoGlo Facial different from other comparable services?

Our Motus AZ+ laser system is the answer!  With the cooling sapphire tip and direct laser-to-skin contact, we’re able to direct energy so it’s absorbed where you want it most:  in your skin!  Utilizing Moveo technology, your facial is more comfortable and safer for more skin types.  And the best thing?  There’s no downtime!  You’ll be able to step right back into your lifestyle with no interruption boasting that famous Moveo Glo!

What should I know about my facial appointment?

You’ll want to make sure the target area is clean and clean-shaven the morning of your Moveo Glo laser facial.  No tanning in the weeks leading up to your treatment… no chemical peels, fillers, injectables, etc. to avoid negative interactions with prior beauty treatments.  (Make certain to read over our suggestions and contraindications list!).

After your treatment you should apply strong SPF & avoid UV exposure, stay hyrdated, and moisturize!  Try one of our favorite products:  SkinBetter Science SunSmart Tone Smart to protect along with Trio or a similar item for long-lasting results!

SkinBetter Chemical Peel

SkinBetter Alpharet Professional Chemical Peel

Why should I choose professional chemical peels?

Professional chemical peels, including the SkinBetter Science AlphaRet 30 & AlphaRet 50 program, are one of the most effective non-invasive treatments for brightening and firming skin.  Removing the outer, dull layer reveals healthy, beautiful skin beneath!

What makes SkinBetter Alpharet different from other treatments?

  • We offer two different SkinBetter Science formulas and your comprehensive consult with our technicians will help evaluate which will best serve your needs
  • Non-invasive, non-surgical, and no downtime!  SkinBetter boasts the PEEL WITHOUT THE PEELING!
  • Medical-grade chemical peels are quick and include a soothing after-treatment so you can resume your life with the gorgeous skin you deserve
  • SkinBetter Science’s professional peel system are backed by decades of research and harness the natural power of soothing botanicals to boost safe, effective synthetics like their patented AlphaRet formula.

What should I know about my chemical peel appointment?

One of our certified SkinBetter consultants can help you determine if the SkinBetter Science AlphaRet Chemical Peel is right for you!  You can undergo these treatments for general boosts in the war against time to reveal new, supple skin AND clients oftentimes turn to professional peels to reduce the appearance of acne scarring, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, as well as the natural signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.  Superficial peels make your complexion more uniform and address minor to moderate skin imperfections.

Dermal Fillers

Physician-Administered Dermal Fillers

Are dermal fillers really safe?

100%!!!  The products administered by Dr. Newman in the TSC Aesthetics practice are FDA approved and the best on the market.  While there are always risks of a reaction after any treatment, and you should be upfront and honest with clinic staff about prior bleeding disorders, allergies, and previous experiences… the hyaluronic acid and collagen based fillers offered here are virtually reaction-free.  And best yet?  They’re administered by an M.D., never a nurse-injector.

How do I know which dermal filler or toxin to choose?

Dysport or Botox?  Juvaderm or Restylane??  How to choose!!!???

We’ll provide a courtesy consult to help you determine just this as there are lots of choices out there!  For example, let’s look at those lips:   Dysport or Botox (both neurotoxins) work to paralyze the muscles that CAUSE those fine lines and wrinkles in the first place.  In the case of lip flips, which are an affordable way to get that perfect pucker, the product is actually injected in the muscles above the lip.  Restylane Kysse is a filler (the only FDA-approved filler with XpresHAn technology) that plumps your lip in a natural way by allowing for natural movement and resulting in texture that matches your lips’ natural elasticity and kissability.  It bonds seamlessly with your own lip tissue.

How long will my Botox or filler really last?

We’ll refer back to those favorite prompts:  who, what, when, where, and why to answer this one!

  • WHO you are matters.  Metabolism might be the biggest factor in how long until your fillers break down.  Just as it varies whether you see peak results in 2 days, ten days, or 2 weeks… a speedier metabolism or taking metabolism boosters may mean less time between appointments!
  • WHAT product you pick changes the expected time between appointments as well.  Hyaluronic Acid fillers (such as Restylane and the Restylane Kysse that we offer) may last from six months up to two years!  When it comes to toxins toxins that inhibit the contraction of the muscles that cause those lines and wrinkles, it is generally thought that Dysport lasts a bit longer than Botox, although your surgeon can help you choose which is right for you based on the areas of concern and your lifestyle and expectations.
  • WHEN… did you know that the time of year can impact the effectiveness of your treatments!?  Winter months are thought to be the prime season for having aesthetic work–from injectables to chemical peels and beyond!  This is primarily because of the external forces at work on our skin:  distance from the sun, less hours outside exposed to UV rays, and a switch to a more laid-back, climate-controlled environment.  In addition, that climate control that dries out our faces and makes us reach for a stronger moisturizer?  It may help us out in the long run by inspiring us to care for our skin and allowing those moisturizers we choose to sink in and boost our natural collagen production (instead of sweating them off playing in the sun).
  • WHERE you’re seeing those little roadmaps of life lived matters.  Lips, due to the frequency of use and muscles utilized, may need more frequent touchups whereas other areas of the face may have more longevity of treatment.
  • WHY are you seeing the stamp of time on your face?  Do you squint in the sun?  High stress job leading to frown lines?  Some simple lifestyle changes (hat, sunglasses, holistic choices to reduce stress, and even those facial exercises our grandmothers utilized) may be the answer.

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